Saturday 26 January 2013

Another early 20th century French invention: Electric roller skates

As previously mentioned, the French have always been inventive people. Here is another interesting French early 20th century invention:

A French invention from 1912 - motorized roller skates.
This invention, motorized roller skates, was introduced in Paris in 1912. A two-stroke engine, is attached to the right foot skate. The engine is powered by a battery, which is attached to the skater's back. 

Electric cars are nowadays favored by many politicians and environmentalists, but motorized roller skates have the advantage, that they do not need large spaces for parking. So maybe it is time for a revival of this wonderful French innovation? Paris - as well as other world capitals - would no doubt look much nicer without cars. 

However, on slippery autumn and winter roads, these electric rollers might pose a problem for the riders. In that case there might be use for another French invention from 1912 - a hearse tram car:

Another French invention from the early 20th century - A hearse tram. The news report from a 1912 weekly does not tell, whether the other half of the car was used by ordinary passengers.

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